This past weekend was filled with the beautiful opportunity to reflect and share about what God is doing in our neighborhoods with Houston friends who have supported us throughout this year. The Houston fundraising event on May 4th was exciting for me because it allowed all of us to share something that has impacted us this year through art, music, reflections, and fellowship. The day before (Friday) happened to be our silent retreat at the Ruah Spirituality Center (Villa de Matel). As a city, we did a silent retreat at the beginning of the year. But, this time it was different. Mainly because there wasn’t that much pressure to make something out of the day, but we went in with just a gentle expectation to visit, sit, and rest with God.
Before we started off the day, we had a silent group exercise that really touched my heart and I wanted to share that with you. In reflection of Genesis 15:1-6, we were asked what the Lord would say if He was to “take us outside” of all we know about our present circumstances, all that holds us together, outside of what we’ve come to think and believe.
So without editing or analyzing what I wrote (this is REALLY hard for me to do and would explain anything that doesn’t make sense), this was (and has been) on my heart. As I reread this, it is a simple reminder that I can lean on Jesus each day, in every single circumstance. He is with me and is working in every minor detail of my life (whether it is working it out on my behalf or giving me the strength and wisdom to figure it out myself).
May 3, 2013
Do not fear, for I am with you, Rediet. I know what you need when you need it and I’ll always provide those things for you. In My eyes, you’ll always be successful – you’ll add many to My Kingdom by sharing My love with others generously. I’ll use you no matter what route you choose to go in life – whether you stay in Houston next year or go back home – even if you forget all the things I’ve shown you this year. I’ll use you as long as you are willing.
I know that you are deeply committed to me with the ways you want to serve me and others. I put that in you. I have strengthened you with extra measures of love and faith. You’ll see many hard things in the days, months, and years to come. You’ll see brokenness, poverty, and injustice. Be still in Me. I’m showing you a lot of what breaks My heart in order to give you a greater desire to bring My Kingdom (justice, peace, restoration, redemption, joy, grace) into the land.
I want to use you every day. I want you to be a part of heaven’s work on earth. Remember, it is I who has given you the desires, the strength, and the sanity to do things for my Kingdom. It is not by your strength alone. Depend on Me. Trust Me. I am your shield and your strong, unshakable foundation. Though the mountains around you be shaken and the hills be removed, my covenant of peace and my love for you will not be shaken nor removed. I AM.
When have I failed you? Don’t doubt me. No matter what trials you face in the days to come, remember all you need to do is BE STILL. Come away with Me. Draw close to me. Fix your eyes on Me and you will forever be satisfied. I’ll take care of any and every burden. Call on Me, even if all you can do is whisper. All you need to do is ask and I’ll work it all out.
I’m serious. I’ll give you the desires of your heart – wisdom, understanding, and a heart for justice and reconciliation. I have surrounded you with those who will encourage, support, and pray for you. Many will walk through the seasons of this journey with you – but I will ALWAYS be by your side.
I am proud of you no matter what. I love everything about you and never forget that I’VE GOT THIS!
you are beautiful.
you're too sweet. Love you Laura! So glad we get to continue the Houston adventures.
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