I've lived in community before. But living in an intentional community is very different. After moving to school, the primary focus became school. There were some unique relationships that were intentional, but often school easily became an escape. If not school, there were social media websites, phones, facebook, tumblr, t.v. shows, movies, etc. that would distract or block opportunities for genuine conversation and opportunities to share life together.
We are officially done with the technology fast (where we didn't use our phones or the internet besides on our Sabbath). This was a difficult, yet refreshing change. After this experience, I wish I could go back in time just to slap my self for all the times that I've blocked people out by being focused on myself or avoiding conversation and opportunities to learn about others. For the first six weeks, if I had my phone and constant access to internet, I know that I wouldn't know Shealy, Paul, Eric, James, and Lauren like I do now. We would've ran away from each other at the rise of conflict, we would have been focused on talking with family & friends from home, and we would've not been in the here & now.
If it wasn't for the technology fast, we would use the internet to figure out the route of the bus or the location of the grocery store. This isn't necessarily bad - its very convenient. But for the purposes of this year in building intentional relationships, convenience is asking our neighbors, the people waiting at the bus stop, our co-workers questions. When we ask questions - especially to strangers - conversations start, connections are made, and there is a closeness that we feel to people, not objects.
I don't know if this is making any sense - but the feeling that comes with slowing down & choosing to invest my time on the person right in front of me is refreshing, comforting, and unique. Yes, I will continue to use my phone, the internet, and stay connected with people on facebook - but when I look back on this year, I want to say that I know much more about people in my community & what is going on in their lives through conversation, sharing a meal, and being present.
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